Friday, February 1, 2013

Those Three Little Words

Let me preface this blog by explaining that I have had the Lee Brice song "Love Like Crazy" in my head for almost a week. For those of you that don't listen to country music, the chorus goes like this....

Be a best friend, tell the truth
And overuse "I love you"
Go to work, do your best
Don't outsmart your common sense
Never let your prayin' knees get lazy
And love like crazy
Now I have been know to sing in the car on long (or short) road trips. Usually these Interstate Karaoke sessions lead to me busting out the most vulgar rap music (Mr. Biggs, Duece Komradz, Warren G), but on the way back from Huntsville this past weekend I kept it country and probably sang (attempted to sing) this song 5 times.

All of that to say this...... The line "And overuse 'I love you' " is great advice. We are all brought up differently and our views on what love is and how it is showed are no doubt varied.Growing up, I remember people telling me not to use the word "love" lightly. The first time my mom heard me tell my Jr. High girlfriend that I loved her, I think her heart skipped a beat and a long talk about what love really means was soon to follow! Now that I am an adult (sort of), I do understand what love means to me and I think that we should most definitely overuse the words I love you. I know I do and I make no apologies for it.

The fear in overusing the phrase is probably caused by that thought that it may "water down" the true meaning and the emotions that are supposed to come with it.....i think it is an insecurity issue myself. I don't believe it is possible in any way to water down the words I love you. Now there are many different kinds of love..... like when your best friend scores face value seats for you to a Bama game - "Dude! I love you man"... or when your favorite artist comes on the radio... "I love this guy/girl". When you think about it though, at that very moment.... you are expressing your approval with and complete acceptance of that person or situation, and that is essentially what any kind of love is.... approval and acceptance.

Another reason that "I love you" can't be overused is that the three words by themselves really hold little value. "WHOA!!!!! This thing just took a complete 180 degree turn!!!! What is he talking about???" Check this out.... if you love someone, the words are just a verbal confirmation of actions the actions that you should already be doing or showing that person. If you really love someone, the words are actually kind of meaningless and only hold weight if your actions support it... but they are still good to hear.

I encourage anyone who happens to stumble on this blog to make an attempt at overusing "I love you" this weekend. Tell your momma "I love you" before you hang up the phone. If you weren't planning on talking to your momma or dad this weekend... call em anyway and just say " Hey just wanted to say I love you." Even if it doesn't give you the "warm and fuzzys", it might them, and God knows we all could use a warm and fuzzy feeling every now and then.